Questions about the 2021 Innovation Challenge? Email


Pitch Your Corporation in 3 Minutes

Manage Your Time Better

Come Up with Creative Ideas

Approach Design Thinking

Run an Effective Meeting

Pitch Your Business in 60 Seconds

Design Using Canva

Make 3D Models & 3D Animation in PowerPoint

Edit Video Using iMovie

Use Zoom Web Conferencing

Use Microsoft Office (Email)

Use Microsoft Excel

Use Microsoft PowerPoint

Use Microsoft Word

Inspirational TED Talks

Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen

Susan Cain: The power of introverts

Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids

Angela Duckworth: Grit: The power of passion and perseverance

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability

Amy Edmondson: How to turn a group of strangers into a team

Roselinde Torres: What it takes to be a great leader

Leticia Gasca: Don't fail fast - fail mindfully

Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work

Meet the Innovators

2020 First Place: DetecTech

2020 Corporation Pitch Recap

Vianka Brito

Roanderson Severino

2020 Winning Pitches

2020 Second Place: AtlanticWindsRI

2020 Third Place: Stage Setters

Welcome to Skills Village!

Skills Village is the go-to hub for students to stay organized and collaborate with their team throughout the Innovation Challenge. Interns will begin their day in Skills Village with a morning team-building meeting before dispersing for the day to tackle workforce challenges one day at a time.

Interns will use Skills Village to submit their challenges, and of course, each corporation will have a "corporate headquarters” channel where innovation, collaboration and problem-solving will occur daily within their assigned department and the greater team.

Skills Village is equipped with a private channel for C-Suite team members, a meeting channel for mentors & coaches and conference rooms for members of each department; Marketing & Communication, Business & Finance, and Research & Development.


Heads up, Skills Village is for interns, coaches and mentors only!